We Travel

Bringing improv to your business, party, conference and more!

Traveling Shows - Corporate Workshops - Custom Entertainment


The Corporate Education Department of the Interchange Theater Co-op provides the very best in the art of improv for companies, institutions, and organizations whenever and wherever desired. Our professional services include improv workshops, classes, & thoroughly entertaining live shows, all of which are custom-made and designed to travel right to you! Simply contact the Corporate Education Director (via the ‘Contact’ Form at the bottom of this page) to learn how the Interchange Theater Co-op can provide the very best in improv performance and education for you and your organization!

Traveling Shows

Our traveling teams have only one goal: Entertain

Each of our professional improvisers has extensive experience in all improv forms, games, and formats. Most importantly, we love to put on a great show! 

Whether performing in a small meeting room or a packed theater, the traveling teams bring the hilarity of live improv to any space, and any place!

Corporate Workshops

We’re called the Corporate Education Department for a very good reason! Our educators have decades of experience providing top-notch instruction in a safe and inclusive environment for all manner of businesses, institutions, and organizations. 

Whether your team seeks improvement for their communicative, collaborative, and creative skills, or simply wants new and unconventional methods to improve upon skills like storytelling in marketing, conflict mediation, or dynamic problem solving, we can help! 

Our workshops are inclusive, insightful, and most of all, entertaining! Each workshop is approached the same way in which we build a live show, and the full customizability of our workshops guarantees that the subject matter will relevantly pertain to those present, all of which effects real change.

Contact us (via the ‘Contact’ Form at the bottom of this page) to discuss the possibilities!

Custom Entertainment

We’ve heard a great many professionals say ‘We’ve seen everything!’ in this business, only to be surprised by a client who approaches them with something entirely new and unheard of, again and again. The attitude that one can understand the complete picture of a multifaceted and complex set of needs at a glance, and then satisfy said needs with a generic product, fails to satisfy any needs at all. 

Square peg, round hole.

The Corporate Education Department of the Interchange Theater Co-op operates upon the very principle that every need requires attention to detail, and a love for design and customization.


Get in touch with us